Life and Career Coaching

Your Level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development, because success is something you attract by the person you become.
— Jim Rohn

When you stop and think about it, you’ve already accomplished so much in your life!

Yet you just want to feel Less Burned out, more FULFILLED, and truly YOURSELF. 

Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash

You’ve been achieving your whole life and trying to fit into the status quo. The demands to be and do it all in your career and in life has reached a point of utter exhaustion and you’re burnt out, overworked, and disconnected from your true self.

You’re tired of trying to please everyone but you’re lacking the confidence to step up and say what you want to say.

You’ve forgotten what its like to dream and set big goals because your too busy living IN your life and letting the negative self talk, paralyzing perfectionism, and guilt creep in and your plans fold. 

You know you’re supposed to be taking better care of yourself and making yourself a priority but it becomes all too easy to retreat back into your comfort zone and escape with social media, Netflix, food, alcohol, or whatever makes you feel better.

Does any of this resonate with you?

Now think back and remember the last time you sprung out of bed ready to tackle the day?   


When was that?

Your last vacation? 

Christmas morning? 

Your wedding day? 

After the birth of your baby? 

What if you could start cultivating and creating a life you love that felt like all those amazing life milestones?  What if you stopped waiting for the big moments in life to make you truly fulfilled and learned to enjoy the everyday life moments?  What if you stopped playing small and started playing BIG?

Imagine waking up ready to take on the day and whatever challenges life and work throw at you.  You’re prioritizing your well-being and because you are taking care of you, your relationships are thriving.  You know what you really want out of life and have developed the confidence to put yourself out there and do the work to achieve it.  You’ve reached sustainable work-life satisfaction and are doing work that fills you up. And when the demands and chaos begin, you reach into your tool box and have the stress resiliency, self empathy, and patience to deal with the hard stuff. 

You now see the world differently.

You see you differently.

You’ve finally fallen in love with YOU.  

Sounds amazing doesn’t it? But how?

Just like you’d reach out to a personal trainer or specialist if you were going to train for a marathon or hike the Appalachian Trail, you’d reach out to a life coach to get your mind in shape and gain clarity on your goals and dreams.

Life Coaching is the amazing process of emotionally connecting you to your inner purpose and passion in order to reach your outer goals and strategies.  A process that can transform you, and ultimately your life, with me (your coach) by your side for inspiration and accountability. 

If you want to create a life that truly fills you up, reach your full potential, and do work that truly changes the world, then it’s time to consider working with a Life Coach. 


Hey There! I’m Dr. Jeni Waeltz

I’m a veterinarian, previous veterinary recruiter, certified compassion fatigue professional, and on my way to becoming a certified professional coach.

I work with accomplished women, leaders, and all medical professionals struggling with burnout, compassion fatigue, and using their voice finally adopt the mindset to love their demanding job or find the courage to leave their job to go after their biggest dreams and become the leader that helps change the world.

Oh and I’ve also spent years struggling with anxiety, lack of confidence, lack of purpose, and letting my perfectionist tendencies define my self-worth.

In January 2019 I was asked a simple question after having a young colleague share his big dream —

So, Jeni, What’s your Dream?

You know what? I had no clue. I had already achieved everything I set out to do….except… MASTER MY MIND.

So began a year of self-discovery. I hired two life coaches, started going back to therapy, read personal development books, and started listening to personal development podcasts. And slowly I started finding myself and my voice. As a chronic people pleaser, I decided enough was enough. I was going to learn the what was needed to be my true authentic self. You see, I’m not meant to fit in a one size fits all box that comes from society, familial, and my own negative self-critical talk.

And I don’t think you are supposed to live in that box either.

Ready to transform your life and career?

Your life doesn’t need to be broken

to reach out for coaching.

There a number of reasons why you would want to reach out for coaching.  The clients that typically work with me are:


Veterinary and other medical professionals struggling with the pressure faced in their work: compassion fatigue, moral fatigue, burnout from high caseloads, difficulty with dealing with angry clients and short staff. 

Working moms struggling with the balance of home life and career life.

Those struggling in a job that isn’t fulfilling them anymore.  Too many of those “I’m not sure I want to do this anymore days” but they have no idea how to evaluate what the options are or even work out what they really want.  

Women wanting to falling in love with their body so they can ditch the shame game. 

Working parents wanting to be more present at home during family time. 

Women wanting to finally start prioritizing themselves after putting work first for years.

Women wanting to gain the confidence to step up for the promotion or leadership position or finally start that business they were always dreaming about.

Choose Your Own Adventure

Private 1:1 Life and Career Coaching

3 and 6 month programs available.

It’s time to make those big, scary dreams a reality and let your light shine. We take a holistic look at your life, your relationships, your career, and your goals to go deep into exploring who you truly are and where you want to be. We uncover what is standing in your way and as your accountability partner, together, we create a blueprint to achieve the results of your dreams.

Packages include:

One to One Coaching.jpg

Biweekly, 50 minute coaching sessions

  • Clarity of who you are now

  • Prioritize your well-being

  • Unlock your hidden dreams

  • Values alignment

  • Letting go of old beliefs

  • 90 day road-map to achieving your goals

  • Customized tools and resources

  • Unlimited out-of sessions emails and texts

  • Deep discounts on additional coaching services and programs

  • Welcome gift

Group Life and Career Coaching

Interested in Life Coaching but not ready to commit to 1:1 coaching?  Love the idea of working with a group of like-minded people instead?

Group Coaching may be right for you. 

3 and 6 month programs available.  Similar format as 1:1 coaching but in a private and safe group setting to allow for more support and connection. We will tackle subjects around the wheel of life and take a holistic look at your life, your relationships, your career, and your goals to explore who you truly are and where you want to be. I will be facilitating group discussions and together we will uncover what is standing in your way, and together, we create a blueprint to achieve the results of your dreams. 

3-8 individuals per group. Right to cancel if minimum group number not meant. 

Packages include:

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash-unsplash.jpg

Biweekly, 50 minute coaching sessions

  • Clarity of who you are now

  • Prioritize your well-being 

  • Unlock your hidden dreams

  • Values alignment 

  • Letting go of old beliefs

  • 90 day road-map to achieving your goals 

  • Customized tools and resources

  • Unlimited out-of sessions emails and texts 

  • Deep discounts on additional coaching services and programs 

  • Welcome gift